Bible study: God's new covenant is good news for all people

Jeremiah 31:31–34; Luke 22:14–20


The latest song on the radio, the updated body design for a car and the fashion trends are a few examples of our ever-changing society. We have refrigerators that can order groceries for you and vehicles that drive themselves. The next big thing drives our culture, from marketing to even how we do ministry. Have you ever realized that God invented the idea of “new”? Scripture shows us that each day is new with His mercies. Several times in His Word He says, “I will do a new thing.”

You will discover that each time God does something new, it is to our benefit, and it is relational. It brings God glory for sinners to be reconciled to Him. Throughout history, God has extended grace toward people with the purpose of each of us coming to Him in faith, repentance and obedience.

God will establish a new covenant unlike previous covenants. (Jer. 31:31–32)

If you spend much time studying the Book of Jeremiah, your heart will go out to this faithful prophet. He shed blood, sweat and tears for a group of people who did not heed his message or seem to take him seriously. Although the words he prophesied were not popular, he remained devoted to God in proclaiming the assigned message. He is conveying to God’s people that captivity and punishment are coming, but they would not be completely hopeless.

We tend to forget that God loves us and will forgive us our sins at any time. God is pleased when we seek to restore our fellowship with Him. This new covenant Jeremiah speaks of would be powerful and personal for each person who believes.

Under the new covenant, we will live in forgiveness, fully committed to God in heart and mind. (33–34)

Jeremiah shared with the people that it was not enough to know about God; they needed to encounter Him personally and be fully committed to Him. It is one thing to have a Bible verse on your bumper sticker or T-shirt, and it is an entirely different thing to have the Scripture dwell within your heart and mind.

God does not honor lip service or a faith that shows off to others. He desires an inward working of the Spirit that leads to an outward expression of faithfulness and obedience. Jeremiah once again alludes to a better day that is coming when the Father will forgive their iniquity and remember their sin no more.

When we trust in the completed work of Christ, we enter into the new covenant with Him. (Luke 22:14–20)

Centuries passed between the life of Jeremiah and the earthly ministry of Jesus, but when God makes a promise, He always delivers. You may not be of Jewish descent, but this is where the covenant is good news for you and me.

Jeremiah and even the original disciples of Jesus could not have fathomed the beauty and inclusivity of this new covenant.

Jesus came and offered Himself as the Savior for the entire world. There are no walls of culture, language, nation or tribe that Jesus does not shatter. If the gospel is not good news for all, then it is not good news at all!

Until Christ returns, we have the privilege and opportunity to share this message of grace and forgiveness with everyone. This new covenant provided by God is the essence of our salvation. Even the angels rejoice over new believers. Do you?


This lesson was written by Bobby McKay, pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church in Morton, Mississippi, and originally published by The Baptist Paper. This study is based on the Bible Studies for Life curriculum from Lifeway Christian Resources.