Bible study: The life of King David contains lessons for all

2 Samuel 7:8–16


Do you remember the music group the Monkees? They recorded their share of hits in the late 1960s and had a successful sitcom on television. Most of their music was fun and lighthearted. One unique song they recorded was the tale of two opposing kings named Zor and Zam. The two leaders called for a war against the other kingdom for fun. They wanted to be amused by watching people struggle in a fight. However, to their surprise, no one showed up and the battle never occurred.

Their kingdoms were considered laughable and a failure. It would do us well to consider that all earthly kingdoms and governments will end one day. When that time comes, God will still be in control and on His throne. The rule and reign of Christ will never diminish for all eternity.

In the meantime, there are people God calls throughout history when He desires to use them to make an impact. David is a notable example of this. With all of his ups and downs, God used David as much as God has ever used anyone. God blessed David abundantly, and David was keenly aware of God’s hand in his life.

God is at work in our lives. (8–9)

Most of us have to look back and deeply appreciate the times when God was building and at work in our lives. Each day contains moments, decisions and relationships that God will use to mold us to more resemble Christ. Some of these moments are challenging. I can attest that my greatest lessons learned have only come through my most discouraging seasons. No matter how you choose to feel, God is always at work in your life. His presence is not hindered by your pain.

God establishes His people. (10–11)

There is a saying that goes, “The grass that is greener on the other side may be because it’s over a septic tank.” Adversity and difficulties in your life are not a guarantee that you are in the wrong place. It may mean you are exactly where God wants you to be. If you are in that season of life, the lesson God may want to teach you is to trust in His presence.

You simply cannot allow your circumstances to dictate your view of God. If you are where you are supposed to be, God will see you through! Don’t lose sight that He is with you and your faith is growing. The mountaintops are nice for the views, but the flowers grow in the valley.

God will place His King over an everlasting Kingdom. (12–16)

David had an innovative idea! Let us build a building for God and everyone can worship Him. God liked the idea but had a bigger picture in mind. Instead of a building, why not have a countless number of people throughout all time who will love Him and obey? Every one of us who belongs to Jesus is part of that Kingdom! It is eternal, and it is amazing. When the first day of eternity begins and we see Jesus as King, all of our hurts and sorrows will melt away.

Our only and abiding thought will be praise and adoration to Jesus for all eternity. To quote the Monkees, “I’m a believer!”


This lesson was written by Bobby McKay, pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church in Morton, Mississippi, and originally published by The Baptist Paper. This study is based on the Bible Studies for Life curriculum from Lifeway Christian Resources.