Church revival leads to salvation for son of Georgia pastor


BLAIRSVILLE, Ga. — John Thompson, pastor of Choestoe Baptist Church in the high hills of North Georgia, recently had a revival meeting in his church with evangelist Keith Fordham.

The church was ready for revival and the meeting resulted in five people responding to the gospel, three additional individuals added to the church, and many believers resolving to have a closer walk with God.

“The revival was what I remember them being like as a child," Thompson said. "Keith brought a powerful word from the Lord and the people responded. The church members responded to Keith’s preaching by inviting friends and neighbors to come and hear the Word of God as it was faithfully proclaimed. It was a joy to see people pray, weep and seek the Lord’s direction for their lives."

After Keith Fordham and his wife, Shirley, arrived in Blairsville they joined the Choestoe Baptist Church Pastor and his family for a meal at a local barbecue joint. At the dinner table, Fordham related a story about a young man who was set on taking his life. He was sitting in his truck in the front yard of his home absorbed with what he believed to be overwhelming, unresolvable challenges, including the rejection of the young woman that he hoped would one day become his wife. His despondency had become unbearable.

Fordham explained, “In his depth of despair, a friend, who was a Sunday School teacher in a local church, was divinely prompted to stop by his house on his way home from a round of golf. The friend could immediately detect the depth of the man’s depression and asked if he could share Billy Graham’s Gospel tract, Steps to Peace with God.”  

Fordham continued, “The visiting friend persuaded his weary, forlorn buddy to get out of the truck so they could have a face-to-face conversation. When the troubled friend got out of his truck, they read through the Gospel tract together. When they got to the place where the tract explains that one must admit to being a sinner, repent of all sins and ask Christ to provide his great salvation, the young man readily called on Jesus to forgive him of his sins and trusted the Son of God as his Savior."

“The guilt and depression were gone,” declared Fordham, “and the new believer wept for joy over his salvation. He then told the Sunday School teacher/friend that he had a pistol in the front seat of his car and was bent on taking his life, but because of the witness of his friend not only was his soul saved, but his life was also spared.”

Thompson said that his son, Bryant, "was listening intently to the conversation as Keith talked about how people had responded to the call of Jesus upon their lives. Later that night after dinner I got a text message from Julie, my wife, telling me that Bryant wanted to talk to me about something."

Thompson explained that even before that meal, his son had been asking a lot of questions about Jesus and salvation since the church’s “Breaker Rock Beach” Vacation Bible School.

When he got home, Thompson said, "Bryant came into my office and we talked about what was going on in his life. It was obvious that the Holy Spirit had been working in his life, convicting him of his sins. That night Bryant surrendered to Christ, repented of his sins, and turned in faith to Jesus Christ."

Thompson and his wife prayed with their son. “We both told him that he needed to make his profession of faith public and when Brother Fordham gave the invitation the next morning he should come to the altar," Thompson said.

Describing the events of the next morning, Thompson said, "Well, Brother Keith gave a powerful message on repentance and getting right before God. A lot of adults came to the altar to pray, and others came forward to unite with the church, and Bryant got confused and did not make his profession of faith publicly."

Though many responded to the invitation, Bryant did not make his profession of faith known to the congregation. On that Sunday night, a 14-year-old girl came to the altar to make her public profession of faith, but Bryant also did not make his decision known to the church that evening.

Bryant told his parents after the service that he did not make his commitment to Christ known because he did not know exactly when he should approach the altar.

His mother explained, “Tomorrow, when Brother Keith asks people to bow their heads and close their eyes and the music starts then you come to the altar.”

Fordham explained, “On that Monday night I failed to say, ‘bow your heads and close your eyes.’”

Since that was the signal for Bryant to approach the altar, he did not make his profession of faith public that night either.

“However," Thompson said, "on Tuesday night, the third night of the meeting, Keith did say, ‘bow your head and close your eyes’ and while Keith was still praying and before the music for the invitation even started, Bryant ran down the aisle. I felt this missile hit my legs and it was Bryant.”

Fordham said,"When I opened my eyes after my prayer, I saw the father and son on their knees together. It was a moving scene that surcharged the emotion of the people, and prompted the entire congregation to weep tears of joy.”

Bryant’s dad reported, “We are currently working on memorizing scripture together and going deeper into what it means to be a follower of Christ."