Conclave: Designed to rejuvenate student pastors


CHATTANOOGA – Conclave 2022 - a worship and training event for student ministry workers was held January 20-22 at the Convention Center in Chattanooga, TN. Conclave is a student ministry conference designed to equip, encourage, rejuvenate, and empower next generation ministers to more effectively reach and disciple teenagers with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Chris Trent is the Next Gen Catalyst for the Georgia Baptist Mission Board. He explained, “Our goal is to come alongside churches and help them develop best practices to have a healthy next gen ministry. We do this through training and consulting. 

While some of this training is provided by Trent and his staff through the GBMB, Georgia also partners with other state conventions throughout the south to make Conclave happen. The 2022 Conclave offered great times of worship and inspiration, as well as significant break-out sessions for the purpose of training and encouraging full time, part time, and volunteer youth workers from Georgia and states all over the southeast including Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee.

According to a Pew Research Center survey in October 2019 only 49 percent of America’s youth describe themselves as Christians, 40 percent are religious “nones’ (no religion) and 10 percent identify with non-Christians. Statistics also continue to reveal that many of youth claiming to be Christians leave the church after they graduate from high school and “70-80 percent is generally the estimate you hear.” 

However, there are compelling reasons to reach these youth for Christ. First, those who come to faith in Christ usually do so before they reach the age of 18. Second, teenagers are often motivated to reach their peers for Christ and have amazing success in doing so. Third, if teens will take the responsibility to witness to their friends and lead them to Christ, they will ultimately be able to transform the culture.

Trent, who has a rich and impressive background in student ministry, is uniquely gifted to lead in reversing the trend of unchurched youth remaining outside the fold of God and championing the cause of retaining those who have professed faith in Christ. 

The GBMB Next Gen Catalyst explained, “We exist to come along side churches and help them develop best practices to have a healthy next gen ministry. We do this through training and consulting.” 

In a previous Index article Trent exclaimed, “I am excited to partner with youth pastors throughout Georgia and have a desire to impact children’s ministry as well – to work with leaders throughout Georgia that are influencing the next generation.

Trent, who was involved in a leadership role at Conclave, remarked, “After having attended Conclave for the last 17 years (minus the pandemic year), it was incredible to get to be a part of leading and encouraging youth workers from all over the south. “Our theme this year was ‘Discover’. We challenged each other to seek out what God wanted to us to teach the attendees at conference to help them best reach teenagers with the Gospel. 

Chris and his wife, Wendy led a breakout session on “The Youth Minister’s Family”. He also teamed with Jody Livingston, student pastor at High Desert Church, a multi-site church with headquarters in Victorville, California, to teach a session on “How to Experience Longevity in Youth Ministry.” 

Trent observed, “I came away from Conclave so encouraged by the passion so many youth leaders have to reach teenagers with the gospel. Much of this encouragement came through the amazing conversations I was able to have with Georgia leaders. Our future is bright!

“This year has taught me that even amid a pandemic, there are churches all over Georgia that are wanting to help children and teenagers follow Jesus.

“Due to technology and connectivity, this generation has more options to pursue happiness and fulfillment than ever before. Helping them to understand that the Gospel is the only way to true and lasting fulfillment is of utmost importance.

“This Next Gen that has said ‘yes’ to the Gospel, Trent added, “is more passionate about following Him than we’ve seen from teenagers in a long time.

“This year has taught me that even in the midst of a pandemic, there are churches all over Georgia that are wanting to help children and teenagers follow Jesus.”

Next year Conclave 2023 will return to the Chattanooga Convention Center January 19-21.