MONROE, GA – Scores of people from 1025 Church and community gathered for the dedication of the church’s newest facility, which will be called the Murray Ministry Center. The freshly painted, sparkling white building, formerly occupied by Monroe’s First National Bank, was given to the church by Kenneth and Jean Murray. Their son, Kenneth Murray, Jr. is an active deacon at 1025 Church, drummer for the worship team, and Pastor Fountain’s prayer partner.
Pastor Tommy Fountain, Sr. of the 1025 Church welcomed those present for the dedication ceremony, recognizing the Murray family and Walton County Sheriff Joe Chapman, Chief Deputy Keith Brooks and Monroe Police Chief, R. V. Watts.
The Murray Ministry Center, currently being remodeled on the inside, will house a Counselling Center, Celebrate Recovery, Grief Share and Thrive College Ministry.
Nick Harmon, who heads up the church’s counselling ministry, gave thanks for the new building saying, ‘This building was once used to collect money to build earthy kingdoms, but now it will be used to advance our heavenly kingdom.” 1025 Church Pastor Tommy Fountain, Sr. expressed his desire to see the counselling center staffed with four counsellors.
Celebrate Recovery, which will also utilize the new building, is a biblically balanced approach designed to help bring sustainable recovery and healing to those who are struggling with life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits.
GriefShare is a support group that helps people understand what is “normal” in seasons of grief. It is a welcoming environment that provides valuable guidance and tips to help those who have lost loved ones move through the grief process and find comfort, hope, and peace of mind.
The Thrive College Ministry is 1025 Church’s carefully crafted service and program for young adults ages 18-25. Thrive supplements the work of the University of Georgia Baptist Campus Ministry where Dawg Packs are developed to build relationships with other students that helps to provide opportunities for spiritual growth and Christian community throughout college.
Fountain added, “We believe God has given us a vision to reach the next generation for Christ; and we want the Murrays to know that their generosity has created a legacy that will live on for years to come.”
Chief R. V. Watts agreed and explained, “The law enforcement officers in this area met with our state Attorney General, Chris Carr, recently and he asked us what we are doing to address the rising gang problem in the state. Several of those present said they were arresting and incarcerating them. I told the group that we were going into the areas where there are gang members to witness to them and seek to provide them spiritual help.”
The Chief continued, “I believe this facility will provide love for these teens and rescue them from a life of waste and waywardness.”
The plaque presented to the Murrays summed up the sentiments of Pastor Tommy Fountain, Sr. and the church, stating: On this day, we gratefully bestow this plaque in your honor, recognizing your extraordinary contribution to the creation of the Murray Ministry Center. Your generosity has left an indelible mark on 1025 Church! As the Lord leads, it is our prayer that the ministries housed inside the Murray Ministry Center will impact the lives of countless individuals for generations to come.”
The 1025 Church pastor provided those assembled with a synopsis of the church’s history through the years and the frequent search for larger buildings to accommodate the growth taking place. He mentioned how Kenneth Murray had helped the church find new space and all that he had done to help the church prepare to occupy the buildings.
Fountain expressed his appreciation for Mr. Murray not charging rent, and always being a gracious friend to the church. He said, “When we started, we had a small building and a small congregation and only $2,500 in the bank. Now we own the bank.”
1025 Church is a growing church. Since 2013 the church has added 1,350 new member to the fellowship. Last year the church surpassed their goal of 100 baptisms. Earlier this year they started a second campus by merging with First Baptist Church in Statham.
Fountain says, “We’re always alive and 1025."