Louis Pearce and his association have a home


SWAINSBORO – The Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Association finally has a home. For years whoever became the Director of Missions or the Associational Mission Strategist for the churches in the Swainsboro area had to operate out of his home. However, all that has changed, and for the first time ever the association has its own facility and address.

Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Association transformed the old Sanitary Market Grocery in Swainsboro into their first ever associational missions center.

The 24-member churches of the association rallied to the cause and the office and ministry center has become a reality. The address is in the heart of downtown Swainsboro at 228 West Moring Street.

Louis Pearce, the affable and witty DOM, spearheaded the move to provide a central meeting place for the association.  He explained, “We purchased the old Sanitary Market Grocery in October 2017 at the price of $50,000. The asking price was $150,000, so we are convinced that God has been in this since the beginning. He has blessed us abundantly.

“The building was paid for and the association allocated $25,000 to remodel the facility. Our churches came together in a remarkable way to assist in the remodeling effort. There must have been more than 100 individuals involved in the renovation process at some point in time, and I think every church had someone helping with the renovation.”

Louis Pearce shows the beautiful photographs of the churches in his Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Association. GERALD HARRIS/Index

Pearce added, “Not only did the church buy the property and allocate a substantial amount to remodel the building, but they gave $34,000 above their regular contributions for this cause. Another $15,000 worth of supplies and building materials were given to the association for the renovation. Those gifts included floor covering, ceiling tiles, and other important items.”

The Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Association building has 8,200- sq. ft. of floor space, with a room sufficient for large meetings, offices, conference rooms, a kitchen and a dining area, a pantry and a storage area. The building was dedicated on July 22, 2018.

Pearce reiterated, “This is the association’s first building ever.”

The Emmanuel Association's gathering place/worship center can easily accommodate 200 people. GERALD HARRRIS/Index

He is already dreaming and planning ways to utilize the building. He wants to have a community wide Vacation Bible School there next summer and periodic countywide youth meetings. He indicated that Hawhammock Baptist Church is already having a Tuesday morning Bible study at the West Moring Street building and that the facility would also be a great place for a church start.

Louis Pearce is a dedicated and faithful servant of the Lord, and he has worked hard to build relationships and encourage pastors. His efforts have paid big dividends in the provision of a physical structure. Now, we must join him in prayer that the building will become a citadel of spiritual training, equipping, missions and ministry.

Baptist associations