Creado! Diseñado! Capacitado!
These words were used often at the Hispanic VBS training sessions on April 23 and 30 in Reidsville and Kennesaw and they are the motto for VBS 2022. The English translation is “Created! Designed! Empowered!”
More than 170 Spanish-speaking leaders from 20 churches attended the two sessions. All the sessions were completely in Spanish and were led by Rossy Rivera, Glenda Torres and Natalie Hernandez.
Genesis Figueroa said, “The VBS training was a wonderful experience. They gave many tips during the training that will be useful.” These training classes were the first Spanish-language sessions held since before COVID and the enthusiasm was contagious. Classes were offered for leaders of preschoolers, children, and adults. Worship rally, discussions, lunch, prayer time and other breakouts were also offered.
“Rossy, Natalie, and Glenda taught the best VBS training ever to reach the children of our communities for them to know Jesus. Their enthusiasm and knowledge were amazing and I can’t wait to tell children and adults about Jesus this summer,” said Ana Torres.
Pastor Roman Rodriguez said, “VBS training was awesome. The teachers have a great imagination and talent. They helped us see beyond teaching. It’s building relationships with Christ. These ladies are a blessing.”
Participants had the opportunity to learn the songs and motions for VBS 2022, see the decorations and some cost-effective ways to make the decorations, engage in discussions with one another about best techniques to reach their communities, play some games to help reinforce the Bible verses and Bible thoughts, and even win a few VBS door prizes. They also attended age-level classes as well as three other breakout sessions.
“It was excellent and very necessary to encourage churches to share the message that transforms lives,” said Delfina Chilatra. Jenie Guillen shared, “The VBS training was very clear and there was a lot of creativity.”
Rossy, Natalie, and Glenda are busy now preparing for VBS in their own churches and communities, but they’re also working with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board to make plans for next year’s Hispanic VBS Training. We want to have more than 200 at our trainings next year!
Please join me in praying for the Hispanic and English VBS programs taking place this summer! Pray for churches as they reach out to their communities, pray for receptive hearts for those who attend, and pray for church leaders as they continue connections made with families through the ministry of VBS.
Created! Designed! Empowered! ----Creado! Diseñado! Capacitado!
Jenni Carter is Statewide Next Gen Consultant for the Georgia Baptist Mission Board.