Pastor's wife: God always has a plan, even when we can't see it


I don’t know about you, but sometimes I have to say, “God has a plan,” out loud so my ears will hear and my heart will stop racing.  I know deep down I can trust that my Heavenly Father has everything under control even when life doesn’t make sense. 

While I know Him and love Him, there are days I feel like I’m looking through the glass darkly (1 Corinthians 13:12).  Surely, hundreds of years ago Mary and Joseph felt the same. 

Times were hard; the people were under Roman rule.  But God had a plan.

A pagan emperor, Caesar Augustus, declared that a census would be taken and taxes would be due.  It was not optional.  But God had a plan.

Mary and Joseph had to make a 70-mile trek to Bethlehem.  But God had a plan.

They had to pay money they probably couldn’t afford.  But God had a plan.

When they reached Bethlehem, there was no room in the inn.  But God had a plan. 

And then all at once, the puzzle pieces finally fell into place.  After an eternity of waiting, Luke 2:6 reports the time came for the baby to be born.

The clock struck “now” and God sent His Son.  So many days, nights, decades, and centuries fell into place that night.  It was God’s perfect timing.  The Father’s plan --  first promised in Genesis 3:15 --  became flesh, drawing His first human breath. 

We have the privilege of seeing the whole saga played out in a few pages in the books of Matthew and Luke.  Back then they were in the throes of it -- likely scared and confused.  They had no way of knowing how God would work everything out, that He was indeed working.

The Romans who made life so difficult were establishing a road system.  According to numerous sources the roads built by the Romans would help in spreading the gospel. 

Caesar Augustus’ decree put Mary and Joseph on the map exactly where the prophecies had pinpointed.

No room in the inn pushed them to a stable-the perfect place to welcome a bunch of hard working shepherds.

The young couple paid taxes but wise men were already on their way with gold.

A quick glance at the Christmas story can remind us that God always has a plan and is working even when we can’t see it. 

I can hear Him saying, Mary, Joseph, Dawn, ________ (fill in your name), I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future, Jeremiah 29:11.

He is faithful.  He can be trusted.

Dawn Reed is a pastor's wife and newspaper columnist. Reach her at