Pastor's wife: God can use the unlikely and sometimes misguided for His purposes


According to, “an instrument is a tool or device that is used for a particular purpose.”

For 15-plus years working in a dental office, I have handed my dentist/boss instruments throughout each workday.  At first glance, they may appear to be utensils made for torture, but in truth, they are not.

While a large percentage of people hate going to dentists, they help young and old get out of pain.  They restore teeth that are broken or decayed.  Sometimes they even get teeth straightened.  He has a plan and knows exactly what to do.

Not one time in all my years has an instrument told the dentist what to do.  It waits to be used in its special way.  In his hands, the instruments are used to help and heal – even bless – those in need.

Each morning I pray specifically for the Lord to use me as an instrument in His hands.  Yet, I recently realized that I often get it all twisted around, trying to tell God how I want to be used and where I want to be used.  It was an “Aha!” moment, for sure.

Acts 9:1-19 tells the story of Saul’s life-changing trip to Damascus.  Jesus met him on his ill-intentioned path.  It was Saul’s big “Aha!” moment.  The Lord told Ananias, who was sent to help him, that Saul was His chosen instrument to carry His Name to the Gentiles, plus many more.  He was and he did.  Saul’s name was changed to Paul and so began his journey.  He went on to be a missionary and wrote most of the books of the New Testament.

God used an unlikely, misguided guy (Saul/Paul) to proclaim His name all over the known world at the time.  He is still using his words and letters today.

Likewise, God can use an unlikely and sometimes misguided girl from Jerry Bottom (me), a guy from Big Creek (my beloved), and you, wherever you’re from.  He has gifted each of us in unique ways to advance His kingdom.  He has a plan, THE plan, and knows exactly what to do.  He can be trusted.

One of my favorite old hymns is my prayer: “Take my life, lead me, Lord.  Make my life useful to Thee …”

As an instrument in God’s Hands, I need let Him to do the leading and the using.


Dawn Reed is a pastor's wife and newspaper columnist. Reach her at