Pastor's wife: 'It’s OK that I’m not what I’m not'


Ephesians 4:11 doesn’t really seem like a stirring or moving verse: “It was He (God) Who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers …”  Yet, this morning, I was convicted and it left me with tears in my eyes.

God has a plan.  It’s a good plan.  He gifted His followers to accomplish His purposes.  He knows what is best. 

He did give some to be different things.  If I’m honest, while I don’t want to be a pastor, or apostle, or prophet, or evangelist, I find that in the past I have wanted other roles that were not intended for me.  As some seemed to be accomplishing bigger things, reaching more people, I wanted to do what they were doing. 

When I look back, I realize that I have occasionally been jealous of other people’s ministries or even calling.  Not proud of that.  I also realize during those times that I wanted to make a name for myself instead of making Jesus known.  Not proud of that, either. 

I wonder about people in the New Testament.  Can you picture Elizabeth being jealous of Mary?  Yes, she would be the mother of John the Baptist, but did she envy Mary’s young motherhood?  Did Silas ever long to be the topliner instead of Paul?  Did John the Baptist covet the disciples’ role?  They were just beginning their ministry while he was finishing his.

In 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Paul encouraged the church at Corinth to work together as the body of Christ.  Picturing the foot speaking to the body or the ear complaining about its role makes me smile.  But then I realize that’s been me.

Since COVID, it has been easy to wonder about my contribution or ministry.  Missions that previously thrived ended abruptly and unexpectedly.  Doors loudly clanged shut.  I understand now that I do have a role in God’s kingdom work – pandemic or not – if I’m willing.  And it may change from time to time.

I don’t need to be Beth Moore, the famous Bible study leader.  She would never have met the moms I got to encourage last night.  (They may not even know who she is.)  While I won’t become a famous children’s author like Barbara Park who wrote a fabulous series like Junie B. Jones, I have the privilege of teaching our church kids about the fabulous and life-changing true stories in God’s Word.  I also have the blessed opportunity to pen articles each week with the prayer of lifting up others.

It’s OK that I’m not what I’m not.  God has gifted me in the ways He has on purpose.  He has placed me where I am, how I am, to do His will.  I don’t need to be jealous of other people’s ministry or mission.  As James Merritt shared recently in a sermon, “We can trust that God knows what He is doing.” 

Ephesians 2:10 reminds me: “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”   God has good works planned for me to do right where I am!

If I focus on what others are doing, I will miss the blessings and opportunities right in front of me.  But if I focus on the God Who is at work, I will be right where I am supposed to be:  in the center of His will.

God’s Word convicted me of my sin of jealousy.  I hope you’ve never let that seep into your mind or heart.  I confessed it and hope to never repeat it.