Pastor's wife: Like turkey hunters, followers of Christ need proper attire


My beloved has been planning on going turkey hunting for months.  Being totally ignorant about the whole thing, I hadn’t realized all that went into it.  There’s  lot of stuff to do to get ready.  There are many things to acquire before setting out:  camo pants, camo shirt, camo belt, camo hat, camo gloves, camo jacket, camo thing to cover a hunter’s face, a hunting rifle, and ammo.  Ready for action, he waited for an opportunity.

Finally, at last, his chance came to put all that on and head to the hills. 

While it was still dark, my beloved and our friend Andrew (ninja hunter of all things) silently trekked into the woods.  I heard it was quite a hike.  The hunters entered the blind and waited — perfectly still, perfectly quiet. (Two reasons I won’t ever be invited.)  They watched and waited for turkeys to come into their shooting range.  And they did. 

I hadn’t realized how much hunting applied to everyday life.

As followers of Christ, we are not decked out in tree-patterned clothing, but we also need the proper attire.  We have the armor of God mentioned in Ephesians 6.  Instead of a camo belt, we have the belt of truth buckled around our waist.  A big camouflage coat makes me think of the breastplate of righteousness.  Instead of wearing Thinsulate boots on a cold morning, our feet are “shod with readiness to share the gospel of peace.”  Rather than a camo hat, I picture the helmet of salvation.  In place of a gun with a scope, we have the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

The Apostle Paul tells us in Colossians 3:12 what we should wear all year round: “As God’s chosen people. Holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, gentleness, and patience.”   

Andrew told my beloved where to go, when to be quiet, and when to move; the Holy Spirit tells us the same.

Fully equipped, we can venture out with purpose, with a plan.  Not to track turkeys but to reach the lost.

Amazingly, my beloved did get a turkey on his first hunt.  I’ve heard that doesn’t usually happen, that it takes trip after trip for success.  With a huge smile he is still telling the tale, including the sounds the turkeys made. 

We had fried turkey for supper.

Dawn Reed is a pastor's wife and newspaper columnist. Reach her at