Pastor's wife: 'Writing on my hand is, well, mighty handy'


The letters "wh ch” were written in ink on the palm of my hand.  It was something important I needed to remember … today.  I just couldn’t figure out what it was.

Though I usually carry a list, one of the most effective ways to remind me of something significant is to jot it on my skin.  (I can’t lay it down or lose it.)

But what did “wh ch” mean?  It was my handwriting, but I couldn’t recall its significance.  “Wh ch,” I sounded it out, then went through words that might sound similar:  what, why, when.  I walked around the house whispering, “Wh ch, wh ch.”  (It sounded like a train.)  There was something important I needed to remember THIS MORNING. 

Prepping for work, the letters faded.  I still had absolutely no recollection.  Maybe it wasn’t even important, I told myself, knowing I was wrong.  If that were true, there would have been no reason to write it.

Oh, well.  I headed to work with the letters barely visible. 

I don’t know about you but writing on my hand is, well, mighty handy.  If I see it enough times, it will stick in my brain, reminding me of important things. 

Isaiah, the prophet, was told by the LORD to write: “See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands …” (Isaiah 49:16).  Other words for engrave are “inscribe, carve, etch, write, or chisel.”  I’ve decided I like the word “engrave” better than “write.”  Engrave means it won’t wear off like ink or permanent marker.

Regarding Isaiah 49:16, The Life Application Study Bible comments: “The people of Israel felt that God had forsaken them in Babylon; but Isaiah pointed out that God would never forget them, as a loving mother would not forget her child. When we feel that God has forsaken us, we must ask if we have forsaken and forgotten God.”

Life is hard.  Every.  Day.  Yet, I am remembered, seen, and loved by my Father in heaven.  I have His daily texts - His Word, to remind me of that.  God is not trying to sound out my initials or figure out what “DR” means. He remembers ME even when I don’t remember HIM. 

Isaiah 44:21 reports: “I have made you, you are my servant; O Israel, I will not forget you.”  I can replace my name.  Go ahead.  You do it, too:  “I have made you, you are my servant; O __________, I will not forget you.”

God will not forget us.  (Feel free to say that out loud.)  When we pull away from Him, neglect His Word, and spending time talking to Him, it can seem like He is far away.  In reality, He is not the one who has moved. 

As I prayed on my way to work, I pondered the day ahead.  And it hit me:  wheelchair.  I was supposed to pick up a wheelchair!  Merging to the turning lane, I flipped on my signal.  I had just enough time to go back for it. 

Next time, I will just write out the whole word.