Serve God with a Loyal Heart


Scripture for today: 2 Chronicles 25:1-4; 25-28. 

Amaziah was the ninth ruler of the southern kingdom of Judah. He began his reign by doing the right thing. In accordance with the law of God, he executed the men who killed his father, but he did not kill their children. This action was done in compliance with Deuteronomy 24:16. However, there was a very interesting caveat that preceded Amaziah’s actions.  

Scripture says that Amaziah “did what was right in the sight of the LORD, but not with a loyal heart” (2 Chronicles 25:2). He did not serve God wholeheartedly. He was not all in. His disposition stood in contrast with the Shema. “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one! You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength” (Deuteronomy 6:4-5).  

Amaziah did right because he lacked self-confidence. However, once he experienced a measure of success, he became prideful and what was truly in his heart became known. He turned to idolatry. Amaziah serves as the classic example of the danger of doing the right thing but not with a loyal heart.  

For him, doing right seemed to be the safest option. However, once he experienced success he became prideful and what was really in his heart came out in his actions. 

Our motivation for doing right must be connected to our walk with Christ. We must choose to do right not because we view it as the safest option but because it glorifies God. What is your motivation for doing right? Do you serve the Lord with the same fervency in both the good times and in the bad times? Are you all in? 

This devotion is based on Marty McLain's book "The Crown has Fallen: A Study of the Kings of Judah." 

devotion, humility, service