Alpharetta Pastor Steve Browning can find silver lining in any cloud


ALPHARETTA – Steve Browning declares that he is nothing more than a kid who grew up in a house on a dirt road in a small, out-of-the-way town in north central Florida who has been an incredible recipient of God’s grace. Today he is the pastor of one of Georgia Baptist’s most visible and strategic churches.

When one thinks of individuals who have risen from obscurity to prominence or from ignorance to intelligence we think of people like Horatio Alger, Abraham Lincoln, J. K. Rowling, Celine Dion, and Ralph Lauren. While Browning’s biography may have some vague similarities to those individuals, his story is much better, because it is a narrative about God’s provision and grace.

Browning explains, “When I review my life, I am reminded of what my good friend Stephen Dervan likes to say, ‘I’m like a turtle on a fence post. I don’t know how I got here, but I sure am enjoying the view.”

Browning’s journey

The Alpharetta pastor claims Eustis, Florida as his hometown. His father was the local grocery manager, and his mother was a schoolteacher.

Browning explained, “The Lord gave me the opportunity to gain a great education with degrees from Palm Beach Atlantic University (BA), Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDIV), and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (DMin). From small town beginnings God has also allowed me to serve in some incredible churches in Florida, Virginia, Alabama and Georgia.”

While a sophomore at Palm Beach Atlantic University, Browning met a delightful and charming young lady, Beth Landry. He exclaimed, “She was literally on a billboard advertising the school. She was way out of my league, but God always seems to give me far more grace that I deserve. We started dating that second year of college and have been together ever since. We were married in 2006 right after our graduation. We have four amazing children: Caleb (11), Christa (9), and twin boys Will and Drew (5).

Browning’s father-in-law mentor

Browning, aware of the truth in Proverbs 15:22, has realized the need for wise counsel and mentoring. It has been said, “Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” Among the men who have provided guidance and counsel to Browning is Mike Landry, his father-in-law. He specified, “Beth comes from a ministry family. Her father has served churches and state conventions across the country. Landry explained that he “cut his teeth in ministry as College Ministry Director at First Baptist Church in Atlanta.” Since 1997 he has served as Senior Pastor at Sarasota Baptist Church in Florida.

Browning testified, “Mike spoke in our university’s chapel service on one occasion and passed out a number of different books to the crowd. The last one he pulled out of the box was ‘Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts.’ He tossed it to me and said, ‘You may need it one day.’ He had no idea who I was or that one day I would be his son-in-law.

“Mike is my greatest mentor and role model in ministry. His steady leadership, evangelistic heart, and ability to relate to people have been a constant inspiration to me as a pastor.”

Pastors must never stop learning

Mentors will typically urge their disciples to read; and Browning referred to the many good books that God has used to teach him more about His life and purpose. Pastors must never stop growing, learning, and improving. The day anyone stops learning is the day they stop growing, and often the day they start to decline.

Browning recalled, “One of the most powerful books I have come across is “They Found The Secret” by V. Raymond Edman.  This is a book of short powerful biographies.  Each one demonstrates how abiding in the Lord is the secret for power in life and ministry.  Snapshots of the lives of D.L. Moody, Hudson Taylor, Charles Finney, and many more are contained in the pages of this volume. 

“Jesus said in John 15:5, ‘I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.’  We spend so much time striving in our own strength when the secret really is abiding in the Lord’s strength. This is the abundant power we need to make a difference for the Lord.”

Casting a vision

Browning’s reliance on the Lord has prompted him to cast a vision for First Baptist Church summed up in four core values. He can articulate these values clearly, definitively, and passionately. In summary they are:

     (1) Know Jesus - The church’s greatest calling and privilege is to lead people to know Jesus (Romans 10:9-13).

     (2) Discover Hope – Develop a relationship with God where everyone can discover hope for every day, every circumstance, and every season (Romans 5:1-5).

     (3) Experience Family – The church is a family whereby we encourage God’s best in each other and share life together (Romans 8:15).

    (4) Live Sent – We are sent to advance the name and fame of Jesus to our neighbors and to nations around the globe (Romans 10:13-17).

As Browning builds upon the legacy of previous pastors, his vision is beginning to blossom into a fruitful ministry. He explains, “Our city is growing by leaps and bounds.  New buildings and homes are constantly being built around our church.  We have such an opportunity to advance the Kingdom of God here!  And praise the Lord… we are seeing it happen. 

“Like Desmond and Delilah who moved to Alpharetta from New York a few months ago.  For a few weeks, they visited our church and began to explore a relationship with God.  Before long, they both heard the Gospel and gave their lives to Jesus Christ!  They were baptized this Fall, have gotten plugged to a Group, and they are serving.

“Like Mohammed, who lives in Sierra Leone, Africa.   After experiencing a tragedy in his community, Mohammed began interacting with one of our mission partners in that country.  A mission team from Alpharetta First Baptist traveled to Sierra Leone to serve and to share the Gospel.  One of our team members led Mohammed to Jesus Christ.  He is being discipled and is already growing in the Lord.

“Like Elle and Jackson Duggan.  These siblings are plugged in to the Next Generation Ministries here at Alpharetta First Baptist.  From First City Kids, Alpharetta Christian Academy, and Upward they have heard strong biblical teaching and the Gospel.  Through faith conversations at home, at school, and at church they both gave their lives to Jesus Christ.”

Looking for the silver lining

Those who are familiar with the campus of First Baptist Alpharetta know the church is in the heart of the city and somewhat landlocked. Some would consider that a serious problem, but Browning is the kind of pastor who believes in the truth of Philippians 4:8 and can see the silver lining in the most ominous cloud. He commented, “I always say that our challenges are actually opportunities if we see them with the right perspective.  For example: we have limited space and parking in our thriving downtown area, but this presents opportunities for us to park across the downtown area and meet our neighbors in the city.  By God’s grace and provision, we will continue to see the opportunities before us and take hold of them in the joy of the Lord.”

“Browning’s optimism and positive approach to life was actually born out of the crucible of pain and depression. He testifies, “One of the many reasons why I am so passionate about the Gospel and getting it to the world around us is that NOTHING else can bring as much hope.  As a high school student, I dealt with dark depression.   There was a time that I didn’t see the point in continuing with my life.  I made plans to end my life.  I was on the verge of following through on my plan, when at the last possible moment, I recalled the words of Romans 8:38-39: ‘For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.’

“These became my life verses.  There is literally nothing in the world with as much power as the Gospel to being hope to hurting hearts.  Just as God shined hope into my darkest moments, my hope is to lead a ministry that does the same for others.

“For more than a decade, I shared this hope as a student pastor, speaker, and church staff member.  Today, I am so privileged to do this as a pastor here in Alpharetta.”