Pastor's wife: Using your gifts and talents


I was the worst piano student EVER. I was lazy, never wanting to practice, and to make it worse…I lied. Every week I told my piano teacher it had sounded better at home. It hadn’t.

On the other hand, my sister thrived. We had the same lessons each week. She played wonderfully while my notes fell flat. I did learn to play Heart and Soul to the chagrin of my first teacher, Miss Proudfit. Then I was on to Chopsticks.

After 10 grueling and fruitless years, I was allowed to quit. Without a doubt, all of my teachers sang – or played – the Hallelujah Chorus in unison. Piano was not my jam.

While visiting Susannah Missionary Baptist Church in Ona, WV last Sunday for their Homecoming I heard an amazing pianist. During the opening songs, we sang, and a man named Michael brought the piano to life. Later in the service, he stepped to a keyboard on the stage. He was a part of a quartet called Forgiven. Their voices blended beautifully and were such a blessing. I sang along, cried, then smiled ‘til my face hurt.

It's hard to explain, but I was mesmerized watching Michael as he played.  It was as if the keyboard was an extension of him.  Like a harpist moving hands across the strings, so Michael’s hands swayed over the keys.  And he wasn’t even paying attention to it!

Later, I spoke to a church member about this man’s musical talent.  She told me he had taken exactly one lesson many years ago.  The teacher told him not to come back; he would never be able to play.

That’s not at all what happened.  He plays by ear and it’s incredible!  He gives God all the credit.

In Ephesians 4:10, Paul wrote – from prison – “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”  So that means even though Michael’s one and only piano teacher couldn’t grasp him being an amazing pianist in the future, God had planned for him to do it all along - if Michael was willing.

I can’t play the piano like Michael, but God has given me other gifts and talents. You have some, too. God prepared us before we were born, to be right here, right now in this time in history.  He has gifted us in some way to bring Him glory and point others to Him. 

Peter penned “Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others.  So, use your gift well,” 1 Peter 4:10 (CEV). 

If the Bible is true, and I know it is, there’s something special God has given you to bless others and advance His kingdom.  Are you using it?  Or are keeping it all to yourselves? 

Before we left Susannah on Sunday, I told Michael, “Don’t ever stop playing.”  He exclaimed, “I can’t!”