Water spilt on the ground


2 Samuel 14:14 – For we must needs die, and are as water spilt on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again …

This verse holds some of the most picturesque words in Scripture to help us see the importance of living life wisely. There is the reality of death in the first part of the verse – “we must needs die.” Death is coming.  The Scriptures states, “It is appointed unto man once to die (Heb. 9:27).”  Wise will be the person who lives life in the light of death. The Psalmist prayed, “Lord teach us to number our days that we might apply our hearts unto wisdom (Psalm 90:2).”

There is also a finality about death. Our life is pictured as water, maybe in a glass or basin, that is spilled out on the ground. I can see someone tripping or a child accidently mishandling a glass of water and pouring it upon the soil. The water cannot be gathered again. 

So, it is with our lives. Once lived, life cannot be gathered again. The investment of our time, the use of the abilities and gifts God has given to each of us, to what end we choose to spend our money … it cannot be gathered again. Rather, it will follow us into eternity.

A minister I love often said, “Only one life to live, and that will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” I pray we use every drop of life left to His glory before we are, “as water spilt on the ground.”
