By Larry Montgomery
On May 10, churches all across Georgia will observe Children’s Home Day – a day of prayer and offering in support of the work of Georgia Baptist Children’s Home and Family Ministries. Since 1872, GBCH&FM, has worked to “promote the spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of children, youth, and families.” Over the years as needs have changed the Children’s Home has transitioned from an “orphanage” to a multifaceted ministry to children, young people, and families.
Today, we continue to extend Christ’s love to children and families across Georgia through a wide range of ministries including,
In FY2019, these and other programs allowed us to minister to 1,013 clients including 890 residential clients. This involved a total of 77,476 days of care provided to our clients. We rejoice that among many positive outcomes for our clients, 55 of them received Christ as Lord and Savior!
None of this could have taken place without the prayer and financial support of churches across Georgia that take seriously Christ’s call to share His love and caring with those who for whatever reason find themselves in need of the love and caring that GBCHFM can and does provide 365 days per year.
One of the greatest blessings and privileges of 50+ years in ministry has been my association with GBCH&FM, which has allowed me to see firsthand the change that God can and does bring to the lives of children, young people, and families; to see and to be, in some small way, a part of “Tearing Down Walls, Building Up Lives.”
Many of those who come to us do so with walls firmly in place, walls they have erected in an effort to protect themselves from hurt, neglect, abuse, exploitation, and homelessness. When they come to GBCH&FM, they soon realize they are in a place where they can be helped, a place where walls are torn down and in their place lives are built on a foundation for life and eternity. What a blessing it is to be part of this work of God through our prayer and financial support.
Although GBCH&FM is an agency of The Georgia Baptist Mission Board, we receive no funding from GBMB or Cooperative Program. During the Great Depression, it was mutually agreed that the Children’s Home would raise its own funding and one way we do so is through the Children’s Home Day Offering.
Contact us at (770) 463-3800 or (800) 252-0872. More information at GBCH&FM shows how you and your church can help in meeting the needs of children and families in your area or to order resources for use in you observance of Children’s Home Day.
Larry Montgomery serves as board chairman for the Georgia Baptist Children’s Home and Family Ministries. May 10, Mother's Day, is Children's Home Day in Georgia Baptist churches.