
When I was a young pastor the church I served elected a person to serve as the moderator for church business meetings. When a dear, faithful layman by the name of Curtis Finch was elected moderator, …

A crisis of trust, an answer to give

I have a personal theory that the place where we allow our eyes to go most, that’s what we inherently trust. It’s not a far-fetched theory. Scripture speaks about how important it is that we …

Strychnine or essence of peppermint

I saw a television commercial recently that stated drug addiction is a disease. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, has stated, “Addiction is a chronic relapsing brain …

Jots and tittles

I generally preach from the King James Version of the Bible. I find that it is more widely accepted than any other version. Most of the scripture I have memorized is from the King James Version; and …

10 ways to pray for college students

When I was in college in the 90s Conan O'Brien and his sidekick on Late Night , Andy Richter, had a bit where they looked to the future ... the year 2000. In it they'd make these goofy predictions …

Why they leave and why they stay

Georgia Baptists are becoming passionate about reaching the next generation (#ReachingNextGen). At least we had better be passionate, enthusiastic, and zealous about it, because we are only one …

Look around, it's GO time

Surrounded by distractions, Generation Z can nonetheless usher in a revival, says one student ministry leader. GETTY/Special Over the last ten years or so, I've lost count on how many stories I've …

There are two movie franchises for which I’m a total, unapologetic homer – Jason Bourne and Mission:Impossible. When one comes out, I’m headed to the theatre. So, last week my wife and I went …

Following the 1990 Southern Baptist Convention in New Orleans a host of conservative Baptists converged on the Café du Monde to celebrate another victory for the cause of biblical inerrancy. …

Swarthmore College was founded in 1864 in Swarthmore, PA. While private, it is an example of those institutions like Tufts University, also private, referred to by Senior Editor Gerald Harris in …

Don’t count us old folks out yet

Since I am a senior citizen, I am always encouraged by those in my peer group who excel in life. The most recent example of elder excellence is JoAnne Carner. She is 79 years old, the oldest golfer …

Yes, the world needs more Cowboys

Evidently, many people who work at the University of Wyoming only recently realized their mascot was a Cowboy. I lived in Cheyenne, 50 miles east of the University of Wyoming, from 1999-2001. …

The FIFA quarterfinals are over, leaving four teams remaining to compete for the 2018 World Cup. The four final teams are Belgium, France, England, and Croatia, but these soccer teams may not be …

thinkstockphotos.com Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy recently announced his retirement from the Supreme Court of the United States. Justice Kennedy occupied a pivotal and often decisive role …

What is patriotism?

Getty Images This week America will celebrate 242 years of freedom as an independent nation. We will hear songs like “I’m Proud to be an American,” “The Battle Hymn of the Republic,” …

In our age of hyperbole it’s tempting to call June 2018, especially the last few days, some of the most important for generations to come, judicially speaking. So, I won’t do that. I will …

NOTE: This column has been updated from an earlier version. One of the most heralded and misunderstood issues facing Americans today is the immigration crisis down at the Mexican border. Read …

For centuries Baptists have been known as a convictional people. Felix Manz became a martyr because he believed, not in infant baptism, but in baptism by immersion for believers only. When the …

Timbuktu is an ancient city in Mali that sits at the southern edge of the Sahara Desert. GOOGLE MAPS/Special What comes to your mind when you hear the word “Timbuktu?” The word may conjure up the …

National Days, I’ve felt, should serve a specific purpose. Sometimes we get busy with life and need a reminder of something that could slip our attention. I’m thinking of an illness or segment of …

Right now, the most popular sporting event on the planet is taking place. And, I’m barely aware of it. That’s typically not how it is with me and the World Cup. As a younger kid I played …

I’ve been active in monitoring the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting for 15 years now. When watching it live online became possible, I felt like I was there, while of course, not being …

My wife got me up early this morning

DALLAS – Vice President Mike Pence spoke at the Southern Baptist Convention this morning. When it was announced that the Vice President was going to speak it was also announced that the …

I have had the privilege of serving on the resolutions committee on three different occasions and as chairman one year. However, I have never submitted a resolution to the national convention until …

Years ago when I was a pastor I got a late night call to the local hospital. One of my church members had been in a terrible accident. He had serious injuries and had lost a considerable amount of …

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