
If you’re a parent, like me, or work with students you probably make an effort to be aware of culture. You take extra steps to know how technology is shaping their world more each day. Maybe …

The path I took to the editorship of The Christian Index included many turns. During my freshman year in college an English professor noticed something different in my writing and encouraged me to …

A couple of weeks ago I began writing a testimonial for the Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries. For many years now, The Christian Index has posted such testimonials from our …

The news chopper for Fox 5 in Atlanta circles over Cartersville Primary School, foreground, and Cartersville Elementary, in back. FOX5ATLANTA.COM/Screen grab I was sitting in the media center of …

Many didn’t think it would happen. Just a couple of years ago, Tiger Woods could barely walk. The notion of him returning to win another major golf tournament was whimsical. For fans, him showing …

A scene in “Unplanned” captures America’s own self-denial when it comes to abortion. Based on the story of Abby Johnson, herself a former Planned Parenthood clinic director and “Employee of …

Standing in the gap … for yourself

Although I don’t watch as much as when I was in college, basketball is still one of my favorite sports. NBA players are some of the best pure athletes in the world. With their size, speed, …

The debate over abortion has been going on so long at such a fevered pitch that it’s become easy to spot the arguments. I’m pro-life, and so already know the arguments those who disagree with me …

The pride and benefits found in work

In recent days it’s become known that many parents bribed college officials to admit their children into prestigious universities. This was done by arranging scholarships for a sport their …

Overcoming the fear

I was never into skateboarding, but even I knew who Tony Hawk was in the 80s and 90s. Hawk is legendary to his sport, taking it places it hadn’t been before. Although it’s debated in …

Last Sunday I drove to rural Floyd County to join Pastor Richard McGinnis and The Refuge Church for worship. Normally I communicate with the pastor ahead of time as to my visit, just in case he’s …

Every once in a while, moments arrive that have a different feeling. Often it’s difficult to go back and see when things could go in one direction or the other for an individual and organization. …

The power in your witness you may not see

The double-wide in which I grew up had a lot of issues. I remember knowing where to place cooking pots for when the roof leaked during downpours. If the Alabama sky got that angry shade of …

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam inserted himself into the news cycle earlier this week when discussing a Democratic lawmaker’s call to change the range of the state’s abortion laws. Since then …

Approximately 66 pastors attended the listening session hosted Jan. 23 by First Baptist Church in Lyons and Pastor Dannie Williams. HARRIS MALCOM/Special Meteorologists have had a tough week. The …

The last week has been instrumental in telling us the place historical, biblical, orthodox Christian thought holds in today’s culture. It’s been vogue for some time now for these positions to be …

The Index’s most valuable resource? You.

When I walked in on my first day as a staff member of The Christian Index 15 years ago, things were a lot different. Not many churches had a website. No one had a social media account, since …

One of my favorite places growing up was a spot on Terrapin Creek. We called it Seven Springs for the series of fountains bubbling up from the ground, giving the stretch of water a particularly …

For other Cartersville residents and me, it was surreal to see Trevor Lawrence, a kid who had just been known around town as “Trevor” since he was 15, on the national stage last night. It …

Be motivated for changes in 2019

Many of us scoff at the idea of New Year’s Resolutions. They’re cliché and only going to be abandoned after a month or so, right? You made the same resolutions the year before, and the …

I prefer refocusing to retiring

Dr. White gave me a call in January 2003 and asked me if I would pray about becoming the editor of The Christian Index . I prayed, and he called me back in May and asked me to meet with The …

Christmas and the road it offers

“Myron probably didn’t expect to be running from the police a few days before Christmas because he knocked his girlfriend’s tooth out,” I explained to my son as we drove to his school this …

One of my favorite things about Christmas is the music. Once my family gets our tree up and decorated (never before Thanksgiving, that’s my standard) my playlist is nothing but a mixture of …

There are a lot of things wrong about sports – over-devotion by fans, parents investing in their 8-year-old like their retirement depends on his signing bonus, overpaid athletes and coaches. …

George H. W. Bush, the 41 st president of the United States and the father of the 43 rd president, died at 94 on Nov. 30. His wife of 73 years, Barbara Bush, died on April 17. Although the 41 st …

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