Christian artist Lauren Daigle was named Artist of the Year at the 50th annual Gospel Music Association Dove Awards in Nashville Oct. 15. GMA Facebook photo By Rebecca Manry NASHVILLE (BP) — …
Scripture for today: Jer. 18:6 During the Great Depression, a good man lost his job, savings, and home. Adding to his grief was the sudden death of his wife. His faith was all that remained and it …
Scripture for today: Psalm 55:22 A man was pushing a cart in a supermarket that contained, in addition to his groceries, a screaming baby. As he proceeded back and forth in the aisles, he continued …
Madison Herrin BPC/Special Madison Herrin , head softball coach and BCM director, has been named as Brewton-Parker College's new director of Athletics. Because of this new title, he will be …
Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee President Ronnie Floyd revealed the third consecutive record-breaking Annie Armstrong Easter Offering total of $62.2 million via a video call to the …
A man pedals a bicycle down a dusty road in a village in Chad. Whether in North America or Africa, rural church planters face unique challenges. A new partnership between IMB and the Billy Graham …
Scripture for today: Gal. 6:9 Elijah got so discouraged in his ministry that he wanted to die. Fortunately, God had a better plan. What can we learn from the life of this unique prophet? Take care of …
Wednesday, October 16 Jeremiah 28:1-29:32 1 Timothy 1:1-20 Psalm 86:1-17 Proverbs 25:17 Thursday, October 17 Jeremiah 30:1-31:26 1 Timothy 2:1-15 Psalm 87:1-7 Proverbs 25:18-19 Friday, October 18 …
The summer Olympics will be held in Tokyo, Japan, in 2020. The Asian megacity is also hosting the Rugby World Cup this September and October. IMB missionaries and Southern Baptist volunteers are …
Earlier in my ministry I got an anonymous letter, severely criticizing my work at the church I served at the time. I had heard of others who received such notes, but this was a first for me. And even …
Psalm 19:1-6 Brian Parker, senior pastor Kingsland First Baptist Church I love Siri! She is a great assistant, especially when I drive. She provides me with written and spoken directions. The problem …
“We are Christ-led disciples making disciples.” The Georgia Tech Baptist Collegiate Ministry is driven by this motto and mantra. It appears on their clothes, materials, teaching …
Scripture for today: Matt. 6:24 Jesus asked, “Who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?” (Matt. 6:24). I can control what I say but cannot determine the interpretations and …
Scripture for today: Matt. 6:34 A doctor finished an exam and then spoke with his patient who suffered from an ulcer. The patient, obviously anxious about the situation said, “Doctor, I’m worried …
Scripture for today: Psalm 34:4 Shoikoi Yokoi spent 28 years in prison -not a prison of walls, but rather one of fear. He served on the island of Guam in WWII when the tide turned against the …
Hank Murphy (right) leads worship at the Southern Baptist Convention in Birmingham in June. SCREENCAPTURE MCDONOUGH – Hank Murphy, the current worship leader for Summit Church’s Brier Creek …
I’ve written in the past about why I believe that cell phones can hinder ministry, in addition to why I know I must put my phone down in meetings . I recognize, though, that cell phones …
Scripture for today: 2 Tim. 1:7 Renowned advice columnist Ann Landers reportedly received 10,000 letters per month. When asked about the most common problem in her readers’ lives, she answered, …
From left to right: Mary DeMuth, Megan Lively, and Jackie Hill Perry share their painful stories at Caring Well. KAREN RACE PHOTOGRAPHY By Tom Strode GRAPEVINE, Texas (BP) — Survivors of …
Christian recording artist Jamie Grace during a scene of Pureflix's "The Beverlys." PUREFLIX SCREENCAPTURE/Special Everyone has a talent. Most of us, though, weren’t born with the artistic …
Scripture for today: Matt. 6:14-15 To battle bitterness, you must get on the road to "betterness," implementing these three steps: Own up to it — Tragically, some have buried their bitterness …