Humans have three basic needs: To be loved and to love. “Faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13). Nowhere is this truer than the battle against loneliness.
Scripture for today: Psalm 102:7. Addressing this subtly-tormenting emotion, let’s begin by defining what loneliness isn’t. First, loneliness isn’t the same as being lonesome. You can be …
" is a Gospel issue," SBC President J.D. Greear told the capacity crowd at Caring Well: Equipping the Church to Confront the Abuse Crisis. "The credibility of our witness and, even more importantly, …
Courage and a recognition of trauma's long-term effects are called for if the church is to deal sufficiently with its sexual abuse crisis, authors Beth Moore, left, and Kay Warren said Oct. 3 during …
Often as I work with churches, I’m reminded that church leadership and church growth aren’t typically “rocket science.” We leaders are the ones who make them more difficult than they ought to …
ATHENS — It’s Tuesdays @ Tate, the University of Georgia Baptist Collegiate Ministries ’ weekly worship gathering. Freshman Cole Chapman picks up his guitar and helps sing, leading worship in …
Scripture for today: Philippians 4:11. We’ve determined without debate that jealousy leads to dysfunction, destruction, and sometimes even death. If you find yourself in a struggle with this …
Believers in South Asia gather for their weekly Bible study meeting. IMB/Special By Ann Lovell RICHMOND, Va. (BP) — Southern Baptist church members gave $156.6 million to support international …
Joanna Duka (left) and Breanna Koski (center left), owners of Brush & Nib Studio, at news conference with their attorney, ADF Senior Counsel Jonathan Scruggs (center), following oral arguments at …
By Tobin Perry TYLER, Texas (BP) – Hundreds of homes throughout East Texas got an unusual yellow envelope in their mailboxes, thanks to one Southern Baptist church in Texas. It wasn't a church …
Javier Chavez, pastor of Amistad Cristiana in Gainesville, baptizes a young girl in May of this year in Lake Lanier near Flowery Branch. The joint baptism service with two other churches was so …
Scripture for today: Proverbs 27:4. Once upon a time there were two shopkeepers who owned and operated stores directly across the street from one another. Bitter rivals, they would carefully track …
By Tom Strode LANSING, Mich. (BP) — Faith-based adoption and foster care agencies seeking to practice their religious beliefs gained an important victory Sept. 26 in Michigan. Federal Judge Robert …
By Mick Mocha I first met Khalid* through an online follow-up request, a way some people seek answers for their troubled souls. We have seen our opportunities to share the Gospel in our area …
Robert and Pauline Cash BOB CASH/Special WARTHEN – On Sunday, Sept. 8, Robert Cash preached his final sermon at Union Baptist Church in Warthen, one of the oldest churches in Washington County …
Tabernacle Baptist Church in Cartersville will honor the ministry leadership of Steve McCombs and Don Startup on Sunday, Oct. 6. TBC/Special CARTERSVILLE — In 1994 Don Startup arrived as minister …
Scripture for today: Hebrews 11:1. One night a house caught fire and a young boy was forced to escape to the roof. With arms outstretched, his father yelled from the ground below, "Jump! I'll catch …
By Diana Chandler ORLANDO, Fla. (BP) — Online hotel registration opens today (Oct. 1) for the Southern Baptist Convention 2020 Annual Meeting June 9-10 at the Orange County Convention Center in …
By Paul Chitwood Editor's Note: October is Cooperative Program Emphasis month in the Southern Baptist Convention. Learn more about CP here . As I near the first anniversary of being elected president …
Tuesday, October 1 Isaiah 62:6-65:25 Philippians 2:19-3:3 Psalm 73:1-28 Proverbs 24:13-14 Wednesday, October 2 Isaiah 66:1-24 Philippians 3:4-21 Psalm 74:1-23 Proverbs 24:15-16 Thursday, October 3 …
Pastor Shane Parrott watches as people respond to the altar at Heritage Baptist Church in Calhoun on Sunday, Sept. 29. On that day the church would baptize seven with three others praying for …
Scripture for today: Matthew 14:31 Eighteenth century German writer and statesman Johann Wolfgang von Goeth once said, “Give me the benefit of your convictions, if you have any; but keep your …
By Paul Kim A hospital chaplain is called to minister to the sick and to give spiritual care along with the clinical care provided by doctors, nurses ,and medical technicians. The reality of life is …
By Aaron Earls NASHVILLE (BP) — Most American evangelicals believe Jesus' Golden Rule — "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" — applies to politics. Some, however, see the …
A marker directs one's attention to the place in the wall where a time capsule holding several historic items sits at Jefferson Street Baptist Church in Dublin. The container will be opened Oct. 12 …