Baptist Life

For Christian singer Jeremy Camp, the next year won’t be like any other 12-month stretch during his long career. It began in June with the making of “I Still Believe”– a faith-based romantic …

Bible Study for Aug. 25: Leave a legacy

2 Chron. 17:1-13 Blake Dodd, pastor Young's Grove Baptist Church, Cedartown Legacy. It’s something we will all wrestle with at some point in our lives. We will contemplate questions …

DULUTH  — Since he arrived in Georgia in 2002, Jon Duncan has built a reputation as a leader in music and worship worldwide. Now, his new role as catalyst for Georgia Baptist Music & …

Do not be a fault finder

Lips of praise are the antidote for the lips of poison. Fault finding is not a sign of strength, but a display of weakness. A husband or wife who is constantly pointing out the faults in their spouse …

Making things new at Young’s Grove

CEDARTOWN  — For weeks the rumors at Young’s Grove Baptist Church swirled about its pastor and his wife.   All of it came into the open July 21. Tiffani Dodd assumed her regular …

BAPTISM: A sign of obedience to Christ

EDITOR'S NOTE: Sept. 8 is Baptism Day in the Southern Baptist Convention. To me, when I study the New Testament, especially the book of Acts, it appears that baptism is the first act of obedience a …

Never insult your spouse

Nothing tears at the fabric of a marriage more than being insulted and ridiculed by one’s own spouse. Name calling, mocking, and belittling have no place in the building of a marriage in …

PEMBROKE — Beulah Baptist Church, located at 700 Beulah Baptist Church Road in Pembroke, will hold revival services beginning this Sunday morning. Evangelist David Livingston will …

Daily Bible Readings for Aug. 16-31

Friday, Aug. 16 Nehemiah 11:1-12:26 1 Corinthians 10:14-33 Psalm 34:11-22 Proverbs 21:14-16  Saturday, Aug. 17 Nehemiah 12:27-13:31 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 Psalm 35:1-16 Proverbs …

Listen to your spouse

This is the hardest thing to do in the area of communication. Usually we are either preparing our reply when our spouse is talking, or tuning them out altogether. Listening requires …

By Karen L. Willoughby STURGIS, S.D. (BP) — "Their eternity is forever changed," Garvon Golden said of 10,647 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally attendees who named Jesus as their Lord and Savior during the …

Communication is the name of the game

The number one complaint among married couples is the breakdown in communication after the first few years —  in some cases after the first few weeks. Those conversing times before …

What's happening across the state

Retirements Keith and Vicki Alderman Keith Alderman retired from full time pastorate on July 28. He was the pastor of First Baptist Blakely. He began his role at First Baptist in April 2014. He and …

By Carol Pipes NASHVILLE (BP) — A majority of Protestant churchgoers believe making sacrificial decisions to serve Christ is essential to their faith, and most try to avoid situations that might …

Una promesa para todos

By Mike Gonzales Hace tiempo alguien dijo que hay 7,474 promesas que podemos encontrar en las Sagradas Escrituras. Esa cifra realmente no se puede verificar, pero si podemos tener …

Be willing to forgive

How often has one spouse said to another, “I forgive you,” only to bring up the past occurrence at some future date? A husband related to me about his wife’s infidelity, “I told her I …

National CP 1.45% over YTD budget projection NASHVILLE (BP) — Contributions to Southern Baptist national and international missions and ministries received by the SBC Executive Committee in July …

2 Chron. 16:1-13 Blake Dodd, pastor Young's Grove Baptist Church, Cedartown From time to time, you’ll be reading through your Old Testament and encounter passages that seem to begin …

Picking up the pieces in El Paso

By Grace Thornton EL PASO, Texas (BP) — Beverly Engle snapped a photo of the El Paso Walmart as she and her husband David walked in Aug. 3 to grab some vitamin water. She meant to post it on …

Sports movies have a special place in the American culture. Perhaps that’s because Americans naturally root for the underdog – the subject of most sports flicks. Or …

Be willing to apologize

I once had a secretary who said her father never apologized to anyone even when he knew he was wrong. He once went six weeks without speaking to her mother until she apologized for what was clearly …

Part 2: The three types of students

Note: An earlier version of this story contained some formatting errors that may have led to confusion over results of the questions. In the last article , I shared the three kinds of …

CALHOUN – Brent Davis, pastor of Heritage Baptist Church in Calhoun, passed away on July 26 of a heart attack. He was 51. Brent Davis Davis, a native of Dalton, pastored Heritage Baptist since …

Compliment your spouse in public

A word of praise and appreciation for your spouse in front of others not only affirms them, but speaks volumes about the strength of your marriage. There is nothing more uplifting and …

A bird that never flies is never seen, nor heard. The same applies to an individual who never leaves the nest of complacency for the world of wonder.   The “Wish …

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